City of Madison, WI Engineering base station has both GPS and Glonass

If you collect GPS and Glonass data near Madison, WI you now have a base station that can differentially correct against both satellite constellation’s.

  • If your GPS unit is Glonass enabled or Floodlight enabled then you can take advantage of base station that records both GPS and Glonass satellites.
  • Update your Trimble Base list within your software weekly: GPS Pathfinder Office, GPS Analyst and or Trimble Positions.
  • More base stations across the USA are becoming a “GNSS” base station – GPS and Glonass – multi satellite constellation receiver.

Trimble MGIS devices that support Glonass/Floodlight:



madison eng base station august 2014_2

This is a screen shot from Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office.

Panera city of Madison Eng GNSS base

Position Properties within Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office showing that both GPS and Glonass are in the “Corrected TerraSync” file.

Madison Eng Base station August 2014 Google Earth 50 miles2

50 miles or less is recommended for Sub Foot horizontal accuracy for Post Processing/Differential Correction.  Image compliments of Google Earth.